Wednesday, 6 June 2012

London Webquest!

Today, I will talk about the activity that the last week we made called Webquest, about London and the places we can visit, we planned and tabulated places for one week, evaluating touristic locations for an end of year study trip!

I think that the activity was very different, in particular, for me was very difficult because I don’t use to visit those sites because I understand the half xD but the last week I think that I efforted for contextualize in the topic that say in each page. The difficult part was that, but when I saw the content, the touristic attractive, it was easier and entertaining because I go discovering the tours and trips; and it´s very distracting, more when I choose the career for the love to the places and landscapes…an activity like this is very interesting :D in spite of the part that I was very slow and that’s frustrating xD but if you see the sites I think that it was very good made, and each entry has been very well constructed and its (for me) slightly fast to found the information that the table requires, like the prices or the tube station nearest to the location…. Although I didn´t finished D: because the underground train in London is a little BIG xD and finding the area of the station is complicated and, regretabbly, me? Putting little information?? the edition of the info is not the mine! but I have trust that with the practice I’ll improve my capacity to do internet searches in english =)

I’ve always known London as a city with a old architecture and culture, with his typicals red buses with two decks, and his characteristic red telephone booth, with places asociated with fashion and famous people like Soho or some things that I’ve heard about the royal family and his Buckingham Palace in London, his royals activities...the Scotland Yard...however, many other things about this city, and this activity changes my mind because it presents to me, other types or places more refreshing and innovative, like museums as Madame Toussaud's! a very interesting and funny place!!! and others places for visiting that made me wish to visit London :B

1 comment:

  1. Vale i agree with you, this activity was very difficult for me, because i don't know very much about places of Londres
