Wednesday, 18 April 2012

The technology!!

Today I will talk about the technology, especially, about my computer, you can think that it’s very basic, when you to compare it with the new telephones and IPod, Palms, etc., and many others things! But I’m very traditional with the technology xD For me, my computer is everything. I got it seven years ago, when the notebook was a new technology and very expensive. In the beginning I didn’t know how to use it but with the time I learnt.

My parents gave me this one in my B-day and since that day I don’t release it! I like my computer because I think the technology, today, is very treacherous, the pieces has obsolescence and my computer has make in times when the things last much yet.

I like my computer because it's portable, but it’s not small like the netbook! My life without it would be horrible! I wouldn’t talk with my boyfriend every night  for a long time; I’d use the telephone many hours! I´d go to the cyber for the works of the college! And I´d watch TV for the episodes of mi favorite’s series! And wait for this one! D: I use the computer everyday and my life without it would be disastrous!


  1. That's the problem with technology: Now are releasing new gadgets like a man changing its underwear!
    The important deal is have technology for useful things (work, play and save info), not to say "hey, I'm freaking fashion, I have the iPad 3359340654654".

    And I saw this article before, it remembers me a concept called "scheduled obsolescence", which means that things have a defined lifetime and, passed this period, suddenly got broken.

  2. I like the computer me too because is a great information source, also you can connect to internet, this is the best!
    Because you are connected to with all the world.

  3. I also have an old notebook that so far has worked well. The new ones will die sooner...:(
